Hello again.

It’s uncommon for me to take so much time between posts, but over the summer and early fall I was so busy working on a side hustle and with family that many other projects took a hit, this blog not least. I’m active on Twitter now that I’ve been released from my cage, and when I have short things to say it’s easier to go there than here.

Still, with the weather changing and side business work dying down for a while, I’ve started on a project that’s been in mind for years, and this blog will play a role.

“Antemodernist”. Pre-modern with the benefit of sounding hostile to modernism when spoken aloud. More time spent than I am willing to admit thinking of this name, but so little has been done in accordance with its true meaning. That’s going to change. Earlier this year I acquired a copy of all extant Christian Ante-Nicene writing. Tens of thousands of pages of material. Now, given our digital age, this isn’t particularly hard to do. What is harder is organizing the works and authors, creating timelines for various doctrinal developments, and, of course, actually reading the stuff.

My intent is to bring some of this study here. There is no planned rhythm or format for this; expect both to change. As for topics, those will vary. I may summarize the works I find particularly interesting. I’m also hunting for material on particular subjects: infant baptism, grace as a substance, apologetic method, civil governance, eschatology, and more. I would love to see what the earliest Christians believed about these things and how the medieval church arrived at their positions.